
Dr. Carreira Achieves Recertification Following 2018 ABOS Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Examination

In December 2018, Dr. Dominic Carreira was re-certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery through the Sports Medicine Examination. This examination is very rigorous covering all of sports medicine.

About the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery

Founded in 1934, the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery (ABOS) establishes educational standards for orthopaedic residents and evaluates the initial and continuing qualifications and competence of orthopaedic surgeons. The Board defines minimum educational requirements for the specialty, stimulates graduate medical education and continuing medical education, and aids in the evaluation of educational facilities and programs. More information about ABOS is online at

From Dr. Carreira’s Board Interview

Following his successful re-certification, Dr. Carreira shared an excerpt from his examination.

Question: How do you view your expertise in orthopedics?

Dr. Carreira’s answer:

My areas of expertise are hip preservation and foot and ankle. Along with that, given my fellowship training in sports medicine and my interest in sports related injuries, my expertise has been focused more in sports medicine related injuries than many of my counterparts in hip preservation or foot and ankle. I cover all sports medicine related injuries when I perform on-field coverage, but surgically my focus is on hip and foot and ankle related treatments.

Treating athletes in many ways is the same as non-athletes, but the demands of the athlete compared to the rest of the population require some considerations related to surgical approaches and rehabilitation that are different. Because of my treatment of athletes, I have focused more on arthroscopic approaches and minimally invasive approaches, both of which are generally associated with less scarring and quicker rehabilitation.

Surgical skill in arthroscopy is different from open surgery. It’s a different skill set and experience plays a major role in gaining ability and technical skill. Because of all of the time that I spend in arthroscopic hip surgery in the operating room, my surgical skill in arthroscopy of the foot and ankle has benefited greatly.

I have been blessed with many affiliations at high school, cold college, and professional levels that have given me the opportunity to treat many athletes for the past 15 years. Treating athletes, and especially at the professional level, has a level of urgency and demand that has made me a better doctor in treating all of my patients.

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