On Air and Online Interviews

As a leading sports medicine doctor and arthroscopic surgeon focusing on hip, foot and ankle injuries and ailments, Dr. Carreira is regularly interviewed by television and radio personalities and programs. As and where these interviews are posted online, Dr. Carreira will share them here on his own website.

Stay Alive and Fit with Liz Goodman: An Interview with Dominic Carreira, MD

Over the course of the engaging interview, Dr. Carreira shared insight from his years of experience as an arthroscopic surgeon focused on sports medicine and treating hip, foot and ankle injuries and issues.


Broward Health Injury Report with Dr. Dominic Carreira

Dr. Carreira talks about hip injuries, explaining the most complex cases often require surgery and what happens when surgery is necessary.

Ask the Team Experts with Dr. Dominic Carreira

In an interview with Lauren Merola, Dominic Carreira shared insight into seeking treatment for ankle injuries and the typical course of action.