As a leading arthroscopic surgeon specializing in cartilage repair of the ankle, Dr. Dominic Carreira is currently attending the the International Consensus Meeting on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle.
This important gathering of the world’s leading ankle surgeons, doctors and medical specialists is being held on November 17-18, 2017 in Pittsburgh, Pa. It was organized by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh. Attendance at the conference is limited to leaders in this medical fields and is by invite only.
Purpose of the Meeting: Creating Consensus on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle
The International Consensus Meeting on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle is the result of extensive preparation by global leaders in the field of cartilage repair. This globally-focused gathering is the first ever attempt to foster consensus on key areas within the field of ankle repair. The meeting will bring together orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, radiologists and basic scientists from 26 countries and territories and 6 continents to provide evidence-based and/or expert recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment, methods of imaging, rehabilitation, and follow-up for this common and difficult clinical problem.
Building Connections with Medical Professionals Around the World

The International Consensus Meeting on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle involves 95 participants from 26 countries and territories addressing 137 questions in 11 different sections.
As a doctor and surgeon, Dr. Carreira believes that he owes his patients a continued emphasis on his own education. Standards of care, best practices, medical technology and the understanding of the human body is constantly improving. As such, Dr. Carreira devotes a considerable amount of energy and resources to actively engage with and learn from from surgeons from across the world, exploring and studying how they practice and live.
Reflecting on his experience during the conference, Dominic shared the following:
Today on the bus I sat with surgeons from New Zealand, England, the US, and China. We’re all from different countries – different continents even – yet we’re brought together by a common focus on improving medicine.
Dr. Carreira also expanded on the goals of this international conference:
One of the main goals of this group is to identify those areas in which there is agreement, as well as identify where evidence or practice guidelines may be lacking. This helps not only to treat patients but also direct future research and collaboration.
Addressing the Many Aspects of Consensus
Dr. Carreira is part of the History, Physical Examination, Imaging and Arthroscopy Section. Along with his colleagues, he will explore levels of evidence to support his team’s recommendations. The team will be responsible for making recommendations and rating the caliber of their evidentiary support for that recommendation. The levels of evidence in orthopedics range from expert opinion (strongest) to randomized controlled studies (weakest).
This conference will generate a number of publications, all of which will be under the authorship of “international consensus meeting on cartilage repair”.