
Dr. Dominic Carreira to Serve in the Hip Faculty at ISHA and AANA Conferences

Dr. Dominic Carreira is pleased to share the news that he will serve on the hip faculty of two upcoming educational conferences for doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals focused on hip arthroscopy.

2019 ISHA Annual Conference: Annual Scientific Conference

Dr. Carreira has been approved as an invited faculty member for the ISHA’s Annual Scientific Conference, which is being held in Madrid, Spain, in October 2019. Dr. Carreira will serve on the hip faculty for this medical conference, which draws an audience of leading surgeons from around the world, all of whom work in the field of hip arthroscopy.

About the ISHA

The International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) was officially formed in Paris, France, in 2008. The society was organized by medical professionals, including doctors and surgeons, with a strong professional interest in hip arthroscopy. The role of the ISHA role is to provide a focal point for the further development of quality tools and medical practices, and to service as the premier international society for education and research in arthroscopic hip surgery.

AANA Conference: Arthroscopic and Open Strategies in Hip Preservation

At the AANA conference in June 2019, Arthroscopic and Open Strategies in Hip Preservation, in Rosemont, Illinois, Dr. Carreira will present a seminar on the topic of treating subcondral lesions. His seminar is entitled Evaluation and Decision Making for Subchondral Lesions.

About the Arthroscopy Association of North America

The Arthroscopic Association of North America (AANA) is an international professional organization of more than 4,500 orthopaedic surgeons and other medical professionals committed to advancing the field of minimally-invasive orthopaedic surgery.

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