On May 4th 2011, my leg and ankle were crushed by an 800lb forklift. They called it a degloving injury because my tendons, blood vessels, and bone were ground to pulp. At first they had told me they didn’t know if they could save my leg, and that if they could, I may never walk the same again. My orthopedic surgeon that day and the next 16 months was Dr. Carreira. From day one he was completely honest with me no matter the news. He explained everything thoroughly and told me the pros and cons of each and every operation. I think he himself performed about 8-10 operations on me out of the 15 total. I had 2 other doctors but he was the quarterback. Monday, September 10, 2012, Dr. Carreira finally declared me to be at MMI. I never thought I’d be where I am today but thanks to knowledge and specialized skills and the staff he has I’m a walking miracle.
I wish everybody could have a doctor like him. Thank you, Dr. Carreira!
Adam Tate
Posted on Aug 25, 2015